Heard it through the Grapevine: Vincent is out of Hibernation
I am just waking up from a pretty serious nap and it looks like I missed a lot! Adirondack Winery looks much different than I left it in the Fall, but I have to say I'm liking this new look! The Tasting Room has been brightened up with a fresh coat of paint and new floors, the wine labels have been updated and it looks like they even got a new logo! It appears that they had a pretty good-lookin' grapevine for their logo model... those vines look awfully familiar!
From the looks of it, I'm not the only one coming out of hibernation - the streets of Lake George are starting to buzz again, the leaves are returning to the trees and the lake is as beautiful as ever... they don't call her the "Queen" for nothing!
It was a long, cold winter in the Adirondacks, and it seems like everyone is just as excited as I am to bask in the warm sun, however, it feels like we jumped right into summer with this beautiful 80+ degree weather we've been having lately. While the sunshine is long overdue, and I'm loving every minute of it, if you find yourself needing to beat the heat, I've been hearing the glorious sounds of Wine Slushie machines churning on the weekends again! Our friends at Siena College stopped by last week and officially helped us kick off Wine Slushie Season! I'm on a strict water diet (getting ready for beach season), so I'll just have to live vine-cariously through you!
It may feel like summer, but I've been doing a little window reading out here and it seems like summer will officially kick-off in Lake George with the very first Adirondack Wine & Food Festival on June 27th & 28th... this sounds right up my vineyard! According to this poster, we better get ready to take our taste buds on an incredible journey... It sounds like a delicious journey, if you ask me! Wine, beer, spirits, specialty food vendors and food trucks, all with the beauty of Lake George as your backdrop... It doesn't get much better than that.
A portion of the ticket sales to the Adirondack Wine & Food Festival will benefit the SUNY Adirondack Foundation and help support the next generation of wine and food enthusiasts in our area. The Town and Village of Lake George, as well as Warren County and other local sponsors have joined Presenting Sponsor, Adirondack Winery in pioneering the first event of its kind in Lake George and what looks to be an annual event showcasing all the best the region has to offer.
Like I said before, it looks like I missed a lot while I was hibernating, but at least the best is yet to come! Memorial Day is next weekend and the Tasting Room always extends their hours for all of you celebrating the holiday weekend with family and friends. We will also be raising our glasses to Dads on Father's Day Weekend with our Annual Father's Day Wine Tasting Event.
Be sure to keep checking Adirondack Winery's website for the latest Tasting Room hours, news and events, as well as everything you need to plan your summer visit to Lake George and our Tasting Room... you can even pre-purchase your Tasting Sessions on their website now (boy, I've got a lot of catching up to do!).
I'll be back soon to give you the latest scoop on what's happening at Adirondack Winery.. Until then... You heard it through the grapevine!
Vincent the Vine